Mog Bonanza

Nomad Mog Bonanza, the Stuff of Adventurer Dreams

Ever wonder what it would be like to bathe in a pool of gil or bask in the attention of your peers as you strut through town square with a kraken club-caliber weapon swaying at your hip? If your answer is yes, then the Nomad Mog Bonanza is not an event you can afford to miss!

As a show of gratitude to all of you who have helped to make Vana’diel such a vibrant realm of adventure, we’ll be giving away some of the most extravagant prizes ever to grace a Nomad Mog Bonanza! Don’t miss this chance to turn your Vana’dielian dreams into reality and become the envy of all fellow adventurers. Ridiculous amounts of gil or super-rare items of legend—or both—await you!

How to Play

The Nomad Mog Bonanza is a number-guessing game in which you pick a three-digit number of your choice, kupo.
Playing is simple! Purchase a Bonanza pearl (*1) from a Bonanza Moogle at designated areas (*2) , then have the vendor inscribe your desired three-digit number on it, kupo. If you can’t decide on a number, we moogles will be more than happy to pick one for you. The winning numbers will be announced at a later date, so sit tight and leave the rest to Lady Luck, kupo!

The conditions for winning are as follows:

Rank 1 prize: all three digits matching.
Rank 2 prize: the last two digits matching.
Rank 3 prize: the last digit matching.
Rank 4 prize: no digits matching.

  • * The winning number for each prize rank will be drawn separately. In the event that winning numbers overlap for multiple prize ranks, the higher-ranked prize will be given precedence. For example, should the winning numbers for ranks 2 and 3 be “11” and “1” respectively, the holder of a Bonanza pearls etched with the number “111” will be awarded with a rank 2 prize.
  • *1  Up to 2 Bonanza pearls can be purchased per character.
  • *2  Purchase your Bonanza pearls, check winning numbers, and collect prizes from Bonanza Moogles at Port San d'Oria (I-9), Port Bastok (L-8), Port Windurst (F-6), or the Chocobo Circuit (H-8).
  • *3  A number may not be changed once it has been chosen and inscribed.

New Year's Nomad Mog Bonanza 2025

Price: 200,000 gil per Bonanza pearl
Pearl sales period: Monday, 16 December, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Wednesday, 15 January, 2025, at 2:59 p.m.
Winning numbers announced: Thursday, 13 February, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT)
Collection period: Thursday, 13 February, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Friday, 28 February, at 2:59 p.m.

Only characters who are at least 32 days old in Earth time are eligible to purchase Bonanza pearls.

  • * Numbers are drawn entirely at random.
  • * Employees and affiliates of SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD., Square Enix, Inc., as well as Square Enix Ltd. are ineligible for participation in the Nomad Mog Bonanza.

Prize List

Each Nomad Bonanza pearl with a winning number entitles you to a virtual item of your choosing from the list of prizes in the corresponding rank.

Rank 1    (Last 3 digits)
Ice Brand Onion Sword III
Air Knife Zanmato +2
Dragon Fangs Demon's Axe
Drastic Axe Artemis's Bow +1
Miracle Cheer Final Sickle
Sage's Staff Chocobo Knife
Flametongue Diamond Aspis
Hebo's Spear Mutsu-no-Kami Yoshiyuki
Save the Queen III Premium Heart
Brave Blade III Yagyu Darkblade
Exeter Wizard's Rod
Ebisu Fishing Rod Abdhaljs Tome
Judgment Day Kupon AW-Kupo
Mog Kupon W-R119 Mog Kupon W-M119
Mog Kupon W-E119 Mog Kupon W-A119
Rank 2    (Last 2 digits)
Kupon A-OmII Kupon AW-UWIII
Kupon I-AF119 Kupon I-RME
Kupon AW-Vgr Kupon AW-VgrII
Kupon W-Pulse Kupon W-Job
Kupon A-DeII Kupon W-DeIII
Kupon AW-GeIII Wailing Belt
Shaper's Shawl Lu Shang's F. Rod
10,000 Byne Bill Ranperre Goldpiece
Rimilala Stripeshell Bayld Crystal
Dense Cluster Cat's Eye
W. Areuhat Balrahn's Eyepatch
Coffer (M. Ast.) Coffer (S. Ast.)
Rank 3    (Last digit)
Kupon AW-UW Kupon AW-Cos
Mog Pell (Ochre) Aucuba Crown
Curmudgeon's Helmet Retching Helmet
Karakul Cap Gazer's Helmet
Mog Kupon A-Sap Mog Kupon A-Jad
Mog Kupon A-Rub Mog Kupon A-Dia
Mog Kupon A-Eme Onion Sword II
Demonic Axe Hotengeki
Brave Blade II Grudge
Chocobo Torque Chocobo Rope
Pelican Ring Prouesse Ring
Liminus Earring Terminus Earring
Coffer (Pluton) Coffer (Boulder)
Coffer (Beitetsu) Mars Orb
Aurum Coffer Alzadaal Table
Opus Shelf Jewelry Case
Tajawwul Byakko Masque
Rank 4    (No matching digits)
Bonanza Ball

Mog Kupons

Speak to a Dealer Moogle posted at one of the below locations to trade your Mog Bonanza Kupon for the corresponding piece of equipment.

  • - Port San d’Oria (I-9)
  • - Port Bastok (L-8)
  • - Port Windurst (F-6)
  • - Chocobo Circuit (H-8)

Mog Pells

Speak to any of the Festive Moogles in the locations below to redeem a pell.

-  Port San d'Oria (J-9)   - Port Bastok (J-13)   - Windurst Walls (C-14)

Mog Kupon AW-Kupo

This kupon can be redeemed for all of the following items.

Kupo Equipment
- Kupo Rod - Kupo Shield
- Kupo Masque - Kupo Suit

Mog Kupon W-R119

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following relic weapons available from Oboro--and it's already reforged.

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Daggers
- Spharai - Mandau
Swords Great Swords
- Excalibur - Ragnarok
Axes Great Axes
- Guttler - Bravura
Polearms Scythes
- Gungnir - Apocalypse
Katanas Great Katanas
- Kikoku - Amanomurakumo
Clubs Staves
- Mjollnir - Claustrum
Bows Guns
- Yoichinoyumi - Annihilator

Mog Kupon W-M119

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following mythic or ergon weapons available from Oboro--and it's already reforged.

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Daggers
- Glanzfaust - Vajra
- Kenkonken - Carnwenhan
- Terpsichore
Swords Great Swords
- Murgleis - Epeolatry
- Burtgang
- Tizona
Axes Great Axes
- Aymur - Conqueror
Polearms Scythes
- Ryunohige - Liberator
Katanas Great Katanas
- Nagi - Kogarasumaru
Clubs Staves
- Yagrush - Laevateinn
- Idris - Nirvana
- Tupsimati
- Gastraphetes
- Death Penalty

Mog Kupon W-E119

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following empyrean weapons available from Oboro--and it's already reforged.

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Daggers
- Verethragna - Twashtar
Swords Great Swords
- Almace - Caladbolg
Axes Great Axes
- Farsha - Ukonvasara
Polearms Scythes
- Rhongomiant - Redemption
Katanas Great Katanas
- Kannagi - Masamune
Clubs Staves
- Gambanteinn - Hvergelmir
Bows Guns
- Gandiva - Armageddon

Mog Kupon W-A119

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following aeonic weapons.

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Daggers
- God Hands - Aeneas
Swords Great Swords
- Sequence - Lionheart
Axes Great Axes
- Tri-Edge - Chango
Polearms Scythes
- Trishula - Anguta
Katanas Great Katanas
- Heishi Shorinken - Dojikiri Yasustuna
Clubs Staves
- Tishtrya - Khatvanga
Bows Guns
- Fail-Not - Fomalhaut
Shields Instruments
- Srivatsa - Marsyas

Abdhaljs Tome

This tome grants the effect of one Abdhaljs seal once every 60 hours and has an unlimited number of uses.

* Note that this item does not actually dispense Abdhaljs seals. It only provides its effects.

Coffer (M. Ast.)

Using this item will reward the player with 99 crystals of murky astral detritus.

Coffer (S. Ast.)

Using this item will reward the player with 99 crystals of swart astral detritus.

Mog Kupon A-OmII

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below.

Chest Armor
- Dagon Breastplate - Udug Jacket
- Asherah Harness - Nisroch Jerkin
- Shamash Robe

Mog Kupon AW-UWIII

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following spoils from Unity Wanted objectives (content level: 119 - 145).

*Items only obtainable from this kupon are given in red text.

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Daggers
- Fists of Fury +1 - Jugo Kukri +1
- Emeici +1 - Anathema Harpe +1
- Comeuppance +1 - Ternion Dagger +1
- Kustawi +1
Swords Great Swords
- Sangarius +1 - Kladenets +1
- Pukulatmuj +1 - Montante +1
- Demersal Degen +1 - Nullis +1
- Tanmogayi +1 - Ushenzi +1
- Flyssa +1
- Combuster +1
Axes Great Axes
- Buramgh +1 - Aizkora +1
- Perun +1 - Beheader +1
- Mdomo Axe
- Habilitator +1
Polearms Scythes
- Gae Derg +1 - Triska Scythe +1
- Pixquizpan +1
Katanas Great Katanas
- Tancho +1 - Kunimune +1
- Raicho +1 - Norifusa +1
Clubs Staves
- Magesmasher +1 - Pouwhenua +1
- Loxotic Mace +1 - Ababinili +1
- Septoptic +1 - Marin Staff +1
- Contemplator +1
Throwing Weapons Bows
- Wingcutter +1 - Mengado +1
- Ghastly Tathlum +1 - Paloma Bow +1
- Seething Bomblet +1
- Antitail +1
Guns Shields
- Malison +1 - Evalach +1
- Imati +1 - Ajax +1
- Deliverance +1
- Forfend +1
Grips Headgear
- Rigorous Grip +1 - Imperial Wing Hairpin +1
- Refined Grip +1 - Adorned Helm +1
- Stinger Helm +1
- Hike Khat +1
- Alhazen Hat +1
- Blistering Sallet +1
- Loess Barbuta +1
Chest Armor Gloves and Gauntlets
- Rosette Jaseran +1 - Macabre Gauntlets +1
- Emet Harness +1 - Shigure Tekko +1
- Hime Domaru +1 - Kachimusha Kote +1
- Shomonjijoe +1 - Asteria Mitts +1
- Lugra Cloak +1 - Lamassu Mitts +1
- Agony Jerkin +1 - Tatenashi Gote +1
- Cohort Cloak +1 - Gazu Bracelet +1
- Tatenashi Haramaki +1
- Obviation Cuirass +1
Leg Armor Boots and Greaves
- Assiduity Pants +1 - Regal Pumps +1
- Augury Cuisses +1 - Jute Boots +1
- Zoar Subligar +1 - Hippomenes Socks +1
- Tatenashi Haidate +1 - Hygieia Clogs +1
- Tatenashi Sune-Ate +1
Neck Pieces Earrings
- Unmoving Collar +1 - Nourish. Earring +1
- Canto Necklace +1 - Handler's Earring +1
- Warder's Charm +1 - Arete del Luna +1
- Bathy Choker +1 - Lugra Earring +1
- Vim Torque +1 - Zwazo Earring +1
- Loricate Collar +1 - Dominance Earring +1
- Odnowa Earring +1
Belts and Sashes Rings
- Shinjutsu-no-Obi +1 - Metamorph Ring +1
- Sailfi Belt +1 - Apeile Ring +1
- Acuity Belt +1 - Mephitas's Ring +1
- Kentarch Belt +1 - Gelatinous Ring +1
- Cacoethic Ring +1
Capes and Cloaks Other
- Grounded Mantle +1 - Stinger Bullet Pouch
- Fi Follet Cape +1
- Aurist's Cloak +1

Mog Kupon I-AF119

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below.

- Kin Scale - Kyo Scale
- Gin Scale - Fu Scale
- Kei Scale

Mog Kupon I-RME

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below:

- 300 Plutons - 300 chunks of Beitetsu - 300 Rift Boulders

* Participants must have at least four open slots in their inventory to redeem the pluton, beitetsu, and rift boulder rewards.

Mog Kupon AW-Vgr

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below:

Perfidien Plouton
- Count's Garb - Tartarus Platemail
- Count's Cuffs - Befouled Crown
- Etiolation Earring - Odium
- Enervating Earring - Incarnation Sash

Mog Kupon AW-VgrII

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below:

Palloritus Putraxia Rancibus
- Achiuchikapu - Soulcleaver - Miasmic Pants
- Rhadamanthus - Acclimator - Cryptic Earring
- Punchinellos - Crusher Gauntlets - Mindmelter
- Defiant Collar - Rumination Sash - Devivifier

Mog Kupon W-Pulse

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below:

Pulse Panoplia
- Girru - Coruscanti
- Asteria - Gusterion
- Sagasinger - Ephemeron
- Borealis - Aytanri
- Himthige - Delphinius
- Adflictio - Ikarigiri
- Murasamemaru - Tenkomaru
- Dukkha

Mog Kupon W-Job

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below:

Job-specific Weapons Available from Oboro
- Nyepel - Ohtas
- Sandung - Polyhymnia
- Egeking - Mimesis
- Aettir - Arktoi
- Minos - Cronus
- Areadbhar - Shigi
- Kurikaranotachi - Sindri
- Dunna - Kaladanda
- Gridarvor - Coeus
- Lionsquall - Deathlocke
- Terpander - Priwen

Mog Kupon A-DeII

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below:

Delve Armor
-Yaoyotl Helm -Yaoyotl Gloves
- Whirlpool Mask - Whirlpool Greaves
- Nahtirah Hat - Nahtirah Trousers
- Umbani Cap - Umbani Boots
- Umuthi Hat - Umuthi Gloves
- Ighwa Cap - Ighwa Trousers

Mog Kupon W-DeIII

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the items listed below:

Delve Weapons
- Oatixur - Kerehcatl
- Upukirex - Izhiikoh
- Tsurumaru - Illapa
- Buramenk'ah - Ukudyoni
- Izizoeksi - Tajabit
- Qalgwer - Bolelabunga
- Ngqoqwanb - Falubeza
- Jushimatsu

Kupon AW-GeIII

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following spoils from Geas Fete (content level: 119+).

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Daggers
- Nibiru Sainti - Nibiru Knife
- Chastisers - Enchufla
- Hammerfists - Shijo
- Midnights - Kali
- Eshus - Skinflayer
- Condemner - Sangoma
Swords Great Swords
- Nibiru Blade - Nibiru Faussar
- Nixxer - Bidenhander
- Emissary - Zulfiqar
- Iris
- Colada
- Deacon Saber
- Deacon Sword
- Koboto
- Reikiko
Axes Great Axes
- Nibiru Tabar - Nibiru Chopper
- Skullrender - Router
- Digirbalag - Instigator
- Deacon Tabar - Aganoshe
- Reikiono
- Jokushuono
Polearms Scythes
- Nibiru Lance - Nibiru Sickle
- Annealed Lance - Deathbane
- Rhomphaia - Obschine
- Reienkyo - Misanthropy
- Habile Mazrak - Dacnomania
- Deacon Scythe
- Shukuyukama
Katanas Great Katanas
- Mijin - Sensui
- Aizushintogo - Ichigohitofuri
- Kanaria - Umaru
- Deacon Blade
Clubs Staves
- Nibiru Cudgel - Nibiru Staff
- Queller Rod - Espiritus
- Solstice - Akademos
- Sucellus - Lathi
- Gada - Grioavolr
- Reikikon
Throwing Weapons Bows
- Seraphic Ampulla - Nibiru Bow
- Grenade Core - Vijaya Bow
- Sapience Orb - Teller
- Falcon Eye
- Albin Bane
- Amar Cluster
- Hydrocera
- Mantoptera Eye
- Expeditious Pinion
- Pemphredo Tathlum
- Elis Tome
Guns Shields
- Nibiru Gun - Nibiru Shield
- Compensator - Genmei Shield
- Holliday
- Molybdosis
Instruments Grips
- Nibiru Harp - Clemency Grip
- Willpower Grip
- Forefathers' Grip
- Giuoco Grip
- Balarama Grip
- Niobid Strap
- Potent Grip
- Thrace Strape
- Alber Strap
Headgear Chest Armor
- Eschite Helm - Eschite Breastplate
- Psycloth Tiara - Psycloth Vest
- Rawhide Mask - Rawhide Vest
- Despair Helm - Despair Mail
- Vanya Hood - Vanya Robe
- Pursuer's Beret - Pursuer's Doublet
- Naga Somen - Naga Samue
- Skormoth Mask - Sweller's Harness
- Odyssean Helm - Onca Suit
- Valorous Mask - Kubira Meikogai
- Herculean Helm - Annoint. Kalasiris
- Merlinic Hood - Makora Meikogai
- Chironic Hat - Enforcer's Harness
- Genmei Kabuto - Uac Jerkin
- Shango Robe
- Abnoba Kaftan
- Odyssean Chestplate
- Valorous Mail
- Herculean Vest
- Merlinic Jubbah
- Chironic Doublet
- Zendik Robe
- Reiki Osode
Gloves and Gauntlets Leg Armor
- Naga Tekko - Naga Hakama
- Eschite Gauntlets - Eschite Cuisses
- Psycloth Manillas - Psycloth Lappas
- Rawhide Gloves - Rawhide Trousers
- Despair Finger Gauntlets - Despair Cuisses
- Vanya Cuffs - Vanya Slops
- Pursuer's Cuffs - Pursuer's Pants
- Shrieker's Cuffs - Doyen Pants
- Kurys Gloves - Obatala Subligar
- Odyssean Gauntlets - Selvans Subligar
- Valorous Mitts - Odyssean Cuisses
- Herculean Gloves - Valorous Hose
- Merlinic Dastanas - Herculean Trousers
- Chironic Gloves - Merlinic Shalwar
- Composer's Mitaines - Chironic Hose
- Kobo Kote - Jokushu Haidate
Boots and Greaves Neck Pieces
- Pursuer's Gaiters - Marked Gorget
- Naga Kyahan - Subtlety Spectacles
- Eschite Greaves - Dampener's Torque
- Psycloth Boots - Empath Necklace
- Rawhide Boots - Reti Pendant
- Despair Greaves - Diemer Gorget
- Vanya Clogs - Caro Necklace
- Inspirited Boots - Nodens Gorget
- Tutyr Sabots - Clotharius Torque
- Odyssean Greaves - Deino Collar
- Valorous Greaves - Homeric Gorget
- Herculean Boots - Ainia Collar
- Merlinic Crackows - Jokushu Chain
- Chironic Slippers
- Composer's Sabots
- Shukuyu Sune-Ate
Earrings Belts and Sashes
- Mendicant's Earring - Lucidity Sash
- Infused Earring - Sinew Belt
- Calamitous Earring - Eschan Stone
- Hermetic Earring - Grunfeld Rope
- Halasz Earring - Porous Rope
- Assuage Earring - Sulla Belt
- Ishvara Earring - Yemaya Belt
- Evans Earring - Channeler's Stone
- Lempo Earring - Asclepius Belt
- Thureous Earring - Sarissaphoroi Belt
- Dignitary Earring - Luminary Sash
- Telos Earring - Kerygma Belt
- Genmei Earring - Reiki Koshiobi
- Kobo Obi
Rings Capes and Cloaks
- Overbearing Ring - Disperser's Cape
- Resonance Ring - Thauma. Cape
- Purity Ring - Penetrating Cape
- Warden's Ring - Philidor Mantle
- Petrov Ring - Sokolski Mantle
- Fortified Ring - Quarrel Mantle
- Vertigo Ring - Xucau Mantle
- Evanescence Ring - Tantalic Cape
- Begrudging Ring - Scintillating Cape
- Apate Ring - Phalangite Mantle
- Persis Ring - Perimede Cape
- Hetairoi Ring - Agema Cape
- Shukuyu Ring - Enuma Mantle
- Rahab Ring - Reiki Cloak
- Seki Shuriken Pouch

Wailing Belt

This belt allows one of the following sets of stones to be dispensed at random once every eight hours, up to a maximum of 250 times.

- 12 Snowslit Stones +2
- 12 Leafslit Stones +2
- 12 Duskslit Stones +2
- 12 Snowtip Stones +2
- 12 Leaftip Stones +2
- 12 Dusktip Stones +2
- 12 Snowdim Stones +2
- 12 Leafdim Stones +2
- 12 Duskdim Stones +2
- 12 Snoworb Stones +2
- 12 Leaforb Stones +2
- 12 Duskorb Stones +2
- 12 Wailing Stones +2

Mog Kupon AW-UW

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following spoils from Unity Wanted objectives (content level: 119).

Axes Katanas
- Buramgh +1 - Tancho +1
Throwing Weapons Shields
- Wingcutter +1 - Evalach +1
Headgear Gloves and Gauntlets
- Imperial Wing Hairpin +1 - Macabre Gauntlets +1
Leg Armor Boots and Greaves
- Assiduity Pants +1 - Regal Pumps +1
- Hippomenes Socks +1
Neck Pieces Earrings
- Unmoving Collar +1 - Nourishing Earring +1
Rings Belts and Sashes
- Metamorph Ring +1 - Shinjutsu-no-Obi +1
- Apeile Ring +1

Mog Kupon AW-Cos

This kupon can be redeemed for all of the following items.

Hand-to-Hand Weapons
- Worm Feelers +1
- Ibushi Shinai +1 - Ark Sword
- Ark Saber - Excalipoor II
- Ark Tabar
- Pitchfork +1
- Ark Scythe
Great Katanas
- Hardwood Katana - Shinai
- Lotus Katana - Ark Tachi
- Chocobo Wand - Leafkin Bopper +1
- Charm Wand +1 - Kyuka Uchiwa +1
- Nomad Moogle Rod - Purple Spriggan Club
- Miracle Wand +1 - Red Spriggan Club
- Battledore - Tsukubaneita
- Dream Bell +1 - Green Spriggan Club
- Heartstopper +1 - Kyuka Uchiwa +1
- Heartbeater +1 - Jingly Rod +1
- Treat Staff - Malice Masher +1
- Treat Staff II
- Janus Guard - Metal Slime Shield
- Moogle Guard +1 - Hatchling Shield
- Chocobo Shield +1 - Mundus Shield
- Cassie's Shield - Slime Shield
- Cait Sith Guard +1 - Glinting Shield
- She-Slime Shield
- Decennial Crown +1 - Mandragora Masque +1
- Decennial Tiara +1 - Flan Masque +1
- Pyracmon Cap - Cait Sith Cap +1
- Snow Bunny Hat +1 - Sheep Cap +1
- Horror Head - Frosty Cap
- Horror Head II - Corolla
- Dream Hat +1 - Celeste Cap
- Coven Hat - Leafkin Cap +1
- Egg Helm - Rabbit Cap
- Redeyes - Shobuhouou Kabuto
- Buffalo Cap - Behemoth Masque +1
- Agent Hood - Goblin Masque
- Starlet Flower - Green Moogle Masque
- Carbie Cap +1 - Worm Masque +1
- Cassie's Cap - She-Slime Hat
- Lycopodium Masque +1 - Metal Slime Hat
- Slime Cap - Rarab Masque +1
- Bomb Masque +1 - Crab Cap +1
- Snoll Masque +1 - Kakai Cap +1
- Chocobo Masque +1 - Cumulus Masque +1
- Wyrmking Masque +1
Chest Armor
- Decennial Coat +1 - Ta Moko +1
- Decennial Dress +1 - Cossie Top +1
- Eerie Cloak +1 - Agent Coat
- Otokoeshi Yukata - Starlet Jabot
- Ominaeshi Yukata - Rustic Maillot +1
- Dinner Jacket - Shoal Maillot +1
- Novennial Coat - Mandragora Suit +1
- Novennial Dress - Kengyu Happi
- Hikogami Yukata - Shokujo Happi
- Himegami Yukata - Goblin Suit
- Lord's Yukata - Green Moogle Suit
- Lady's Yukata - Purple Spriggan Coat
- Dream Robe +1 - Red Spriggan Coat
- Otokogimi Yukata - Alliance Shirt +1
- Onnagimi Yukata - Green Spriggan Coat
- Botulus Suit +1 - Chocobo Suit +1
- Track Shirt +1 - Wyrmking Suit +1
- Heart Apron +1 - Rhapsody Shirt +1
- Pupil's Shirt - Akitu Shirt
- Behemoth Suit +1 - Jubilee Shirt
- Poroggo Coat +1
Gloves and Gauntlets
- Dream Mittens +1 - Starlet Gloves
- Agent Cuffs
Leg Armor
- Decennial Tights +1 - Cossie Bottom +1
- Decennial Hose +1 - Agent Pants
- Novennial Hose - Starlet Skirt
- Novennial Boots - Track Pants +1
- Dream Trousers +1 - Rustic Trunks +1
- Dream Pants +1 - Shoal Trunks +1
- Dinner Hose - Kengyu Hanmomohiki
- Pupil's Trousers - Shokujo Hanmomohiki
- Swimming Togs +1 - Alliance Pants
Boots and Greaves
- Dream Boots +1 -Starlet Boots
- Pupil's Shoes - Alliance Boots
- Agent Boots

Mog Kupon A-Sap

This kupon can be redeemed for all of the following items.

Sapphire Armor Set
Sapphire Mask
Sapphire Breastplate
Sapphire Gauntlets
Sapphire Trousers
Sapphire Leggings

Mog Kupon A-Jad

This kupon can be redeemed for all of the following items.

Jadeite Attire Set
Jadeite Visor
Jadeite Cuirie
Jadeite Gloves
Jadeite Chausses
Jadeite Jambeaux

Mog Kupon A-Rub

This kupon can be redeemed for all of the following items.

Ruby Attire Set
Ruby Coronal
Ruby Robe
Ruby Cuffs
Ruby Slops
Ruby Pigaches

Mog Kupon A-Dia

This kupon can be redeemed for all of the following items.

Diamond Armor Set
Diamond Somen
Diamond Haramaki
Diamond Kote
Diamond Hiza.
Diamond Sune-Ate

Mog Kupon A-Eme

This kupon can be redeemed for all of the following items.

Emerald Armor Set
Emerald Tiara
Emerald Jubbah
Emerald Dastanas
Emerald Shalwar
Emerald Crackows

Mog Pell (Ochre)

This pell can be redeemed for one of the items listed below.

- Cipher of Amchuchu's alter ego - Cipher of Rahal's alter ego
- Cipher of Valaineral's alter ego - Cipher of Rughadjeen's alter ego
- Cipher of August's alter ego
- Cipher of Abenzio's alter ego - Cipher of Maximilian's alter ego
- Cipher of Aldo's alter ego - Cipher of Mayakov's alter ego
- Cipher of Areuhat's alter ego - Cipher of Mumor's alter ego
- Cipher of Ingrid's alter ego II - Cipher of Mildaurion's alter ego
- Cipher of Babban's alter ego - Cipher of Mnejing's alter ego
- Cipher of Uka's alter ego - Cipher of Lion's alter ego
- Cipher of Gilgamesh's alter ego - Cipher of Lhu's alter ego
- Cipher of Zeid's alter ego - Cipher of Luzaf's alter ego
- Cipher of Cid's alter ego - Cipher of Lhe's alter ego
- Cipher of Teodor's alter ego - Cipher of Lehko's alter ego
- Cipher of Tenzen's alter ego - Cipher of Rongelouts'alter ego
- Cipher of Naja's alter ego - Cipher of Morimar's alter ego
- Cipher of Noillurie's alter ego - Cipher of Darrcuiln's alter ego
- Cipher of Fablinix's alter ego
Magic Damage
- Cipher of Adelheid's alter ego - Cipher of Mumor's alter ego II
- Cipher of Ovjang's alter ego - Cipher of Leonoyne's alter ego
- Cipher of Ullegore's alter ego - Cipher of Rosulatia's alter ego
- Cipher of Kayeel's alter ego - Cipher of Robel-Akbel's alter ego
- Cipher of Kukki's alter ego - Cipher of Shantotto's alter ego II
- Cipher of Domina's alter ego
- Cipher of Elivira's alter ego - Cipher of Najelith's alter ego
- Cipher of Margret's alter ego - Cipher of Makki's alter ego
- Cipher of Karaha's alter ego - Cipher of Mihli's alter ego
- Cipher of F. Coffin's alter ego
- Cipher of Kuyin's alter ego - Cipher of Brygid's alter ego
- Cipher of Kupofried's alter ego - Cipher of a moogle's alter ego
- Cipher of Qultada's alter ego - Cipher of Joachim's alter ego
- Cipher of Koru-Moru's alter ego - Cipher of Star Sibyl's alter ego
- Cipher of Sakura's alter ego - Cipher of King's alter ego

Ice Brand

DMG:187 Delay:264 INT+30
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+40
Magic Damage +248
Sword skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Weapon skill INT +10%
Occasionally absorbs ice damage
Additional effect: Ice damage

Onion Sword III

DMG:165 Delay:240 DEX+30
Accuracy+40 Sword skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Chance of successful block +10
Fast Blade II
Lv. 99~ All jobs

Air Knife

DMG:103 Delay:150 AGI+30
Accuracy+40 Evasion+40
Dagger skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Haste+10% Weapon skill AGI +10%
Occasionally absorbs wind damage
Additional effect: Wind damage
Lv. 99~ THF/DNC

Zanmato +2

DMG:320 Delay:464 STR+30
Accuracy+40 Great Katana skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Skillchain: Reduces "Sekkanoki" cast time by 1 second
Sekkanoki: TP is not consumed and TP Bonus is given based on current TP
Lv. 99~ SAM

Dragon Fangs

DMG:+188 Delay:126 DEX+30
Accuracy+40 Hand-to-Hand skill +269
Guarding skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Occasionally doubles "Kick Attacks" damage
Dragon Blow
Puppetmaster: "Kick Attacks"+14
Pet: Accuracy+40
Ranged Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
Lv. 99~ MNK/PUP

Demon's Axe

*The name of the Demon's Axe added in the November 2020 Version Update is the same as an existing item. The name will be changed in an upcoming version update.

DMG:234 Delay:340 STR+30
Accuracy+40 Axe skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Skillchain: Reduces "Ready" cast time by 1 second
Pet: Accuracy+40
Ranged Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
Lv. 99~ BST

Drastic Axe

DMG:347 Delay:504 VIT+30
Accuracy+40 Great Axe skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Negates "Berserk" defense reduction
"Berserk": Extends "Berserk" duration by 1 second during a skillchain
Lv. 99~ WAR

Artemis's Bow +1

DMG:276 Delay:540 AGI+30
Ranged Accuracy+40
Ranged Attack+40
Archery skill +269
Weapon skill hit: Reduces "Barrage" cast time by 1 second
Barehanded: Ranged Accuracy+80 Ranged Attack+80 "Store TP"+20
Lv. 99~ RNG

Miracle Cheer

All songs +3
Grants an additional song effect
Sets the song effect duration for party members to 15 minutes
Lv. 99~ BRD

Final Sickle

DMG:364 Delay:528 HP+200
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Scythe skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
"Souleater": Negates HP consumption during a regular attack
Extends "Souleater" duration by 1 second when using a weapon skill
Lv. 99~ DRK

Sage's Staff

DMG:284 Delay:412 MND+30
Magic Accuracy+40
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+40
Magic Damage +310
Staff skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
"Fast Cast"+20 Enmity-20
"Cure" potency +50% "Refresh"+2
Enchantment: "Reraise V"
Lv. 99~ WHM/SMN

Chocobo Knife

DMG:121 Delay:176 AGI+30
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Evasion+40 Magic Evasion+40
Dagger skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Haste+10% "Resist Slow"+90
Movement speed +18%

Diamond Aspis

DEF:135 VIT+30
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+30
Evasion+30 Magic Evasion+30
Shield skill +129
Extends the duration of standard abilities used on self by +25%
Increases Skillchain duration


DMG:187 Delay:264
STR+30 Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
Sword skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Physical damage limit +5%
Weapon skill STR +10%
Occasionally absorbs fire damage
Additional effect: Fire damage

Mutsu-no-Kami Yoshiyuki

DMG:310 Delay:450
STR+30 Accuracy+40
Ranged Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
Great Katana skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Increases "Counter" damage based on the number of "Third Eye" evasions
Skillchain: Increases the number of "Third Eye" evasions during Seigan by 1
Lv. 99~ SAM

Hebo's Spear

DMG:339 Delay:492 MND+30
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Polearm skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Weapon skill MND +10%
Occasionally absorbs water damage
Additional effect: Water damage
All Jumps: Recover Wyvern HP
Wyvern: "Regen"+5
Lv. 99~ DRG

Premium Heart

DMG:+172 Delay:+96
STR+30 Accuracy+40
Hand-to-Hand skill +269
Guarding skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
"Chakra" potency +50%
Counter: Reduces "Chakra" cast time by 1 second
Pet: Accuracy+40
Ranged Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
Lv. 99~ MNK PUP

Save the Queen III

DMG:182 Delay:264 MND+30
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40
Sword skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Enmity+10 "Cover" duration +30
"Cure" potency II +20%
"Cover": Reduces "Sentinel" cast time by 1 second
Lv. 99~ PLD

Yagyu Darkblade

DMG:156 Delay:227
DEX+30 Accuracy+40
Ranged Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
Katana skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
"Utsusemi" effect extends to an area
"Utsusemi": Shadow image of party member -2
Lv. 99~ NIN

Brave Blade III

DMG:331 Delay:480
STR+30 Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
"Magic Def. Bonus"+10
Great Sword skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Increases physical damage limit based on enmity

Wizard's Rod

DMG:149 Delay:216 INT+30
Magic Accuracy+40
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+40
Magic Damage +263
Club skill +269
Parrying skill +269
Magic Accuracy skill +269
Inflicts Magic burst damage based on skillchain duration
Elemental magic: Occasionally casts spells without using MP


DMG:150 Delay:600 AGI+30
Ranged Accuracy+40
Magic Accuracy+40
Marksmanship skill +269
"Store TP"+10
Ammunition that can be stacked will not be consumed
Lv. 99~ RNG COR

Aucuba Crown
DEF:1 Lv. 1 All Jobs

Retching Helmet
DEF:1 Lv. 1 All Jobs

Curmudgeon's Helmet
DEF:1 Lv. 1 All Jobs

Gazer's Helmet
DEF:1 Lv. 1 All Jobs

Karakul Cap
DEF:1 Lv. 1 All Jobs

Byakko Masque
DEF:1 Lv. 1 All Jobs

DEF:1 Lv. 1 All Jobs

Onion Sword II
Sword Lv. 1 All Jobs

Demonic Axe
Axe Lv. 1 All Jobs

Polearm Lv. 1 All Jobs

Brave Blade II
Great Sword Lv. 1 All Jobs

Throwing Lv. 1 All Jobs

Coffer (Boulder)
Using this item will reward the player with 99 rift boulders.
Coffer (Pluton)
Using this item will reward the player with 99 pluton.
Coffer (Beitetsu)
Using this item will reward the player with 99 beitetsu.
Mars Orb
This item can be traded to the Burning Circle in Horlais Peak, Waughroon Shrine, or Balga’s Dais to participate in A.M.A.N. Trove.

Opus Shelf
Furnishing: A sturdy, stately shelf of Bastokan make of the ideal size for housing symphonic scores and musical tomes.

Jewelry Case
Furnishing: Fashioned by the Bastok Goldsmiths' Guild, this exquisite case is ideal for storing precious stones and other treasured mementos.

Bonanza Ball
A bouncing ball based on the brilliant blueprints for Mog Bonanza marbles. Throwing it supposedly scatters all stress and swathes the soul in serendipity.
  • * Please remember that all prizes won in the Nomad Mog Bonanza are valueless virtual items for use in the game FINAL FANTASY XI only.
  • * Prizes cannot be transferred to another player in exchange for real-world money without violating the PlayOnline Member Agreement and risking termination of the accounts of all parties involved.