Sep. 5, 2009 02:35 [GMT] From: PlayOnline
Warning Regarding Unauthorized Access

We have received reports regarding the unauthorized access of player accounts.

If you experience one of the following situations, please contact the Information Center as soon as possible.

- You receive the message "The account has been logged into from another terminal" and you are unable log back into the account.

- A character linked to the PlayOnline ID is logged in when you have not accessed the account.

In addition, if you have experienced any of the following, please change your PlayOnline password after performing a virus check to make sure you have not downloaded any malicious programs. If you have a Square Enix Account, be sure to change your Square Enix password through the Square Enix Management System located on the top right of the FINAL FANTASY XI official website.

- PlayOnline/FINAL FANTASY XI client forcibly shuts down often.

- PC applications or the peformance of the PC is unstable and has trouble turning on or shutting down.

- Anti-virus software detects a malicious program.

The use of the Square Enix Security Token is often very effective in preventing unauthorized access to game data. If you are using the Windows version

of the PlayOnline Viewer, we highly recommended using the Square Enix Security Token.

We ask that you continue to monitor and update the security of your system and Internet connection to prevent any harm caused by malicious programs.

PlayOnline Information Center
Monday through Friday
From 8:00 to 17:00  Greenwich Mean Time