This is the first time the percentages for different face types have been compiled, and we have discovered that every race shows a wide variety of choices. We hope that these statistics will come in useful the next time you create a character and wish to choose a common face type or a face that stands out from the crowd.

Hume (Male) :  The first four options occupy three quarters of the chart.
Hume (Female) :  The first three options each account for roughly a quarter of the chart.

Elvaan (Male) :  The second and seventh options that have hair hanging over the forehead appear to be the most popular.
Elvaan (Female) :  All face types are equally popular.

Tarutaru (Male) :  The sixth option seems the most popular, with almost a quarter of people choosing this face type.
Tarutaru (Female) :  The fourth, fifth, and eighth options seem to appeal to the most people.

Mithra (Female) :  The sixth option alone accounts for a third of all Mithra face types.
Galka (Male) :  The sixth option appears to be the most popular for Galka as well. The remaining face types are equally selected.