Nov. 20, 2008 07:30 [PST] From: PlayOnline
Current Known Issue with Xbox 360 Version: Follow-up

The following is the current status of the investigation due to calls received from Xbox 360 Version users.

We have confirmed that this issue is occurring in some cases due to the Xbox 360 system update that was performed on Nov. 19, 2008. If this issue has affected you, please try the following steps as this will correct the issue for many users.

We will continue to investigate the issue and work with Microsoft(R) in order to make sure that this issue is resolved, so we ask for your patience in this matter.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

[Current Confirmed Issues]
- There are cases where the PlayOnline viewer will not start despite the user's attempts to do so, showing a message stating, "Game was unable to start, please download the game again."

- There are cases a "POL-12321" error occurs when pressing the "Play" button on the FINAL FANTASY XI top page.

1. Please choose and run the "Uninstall Software" from the PlayOnline Viewer's disc menu.
2. After the uninstall is complete, please re-run FINAL FANTASY XI.
3. Since when FINAL FANTASY XI is restarted, the PlayOnline Viewer will be installed, please follow the instructions for installation.