Jul. 24, 2009 03:30 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI
All Worlds Partial Area Emergency Maintenance (Jul. 24)

At the following time, emergency maintenance will be performed on all worlds. During maintenance, the areas listed below in all worlds will become unavailable.

Players who will participate in Campaign Ops with time restriction at the time of the maintenance, we ask that you please wait until maintenance is complete before engaging in the activity. Please note that we cannot replace items that are lost during the maintenance process.

Prior to the start of maintenance and at completion of maintenance, there will be an in-game announcement. Please read the announcements before and after maintenance.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

[Date & Time]
Jul. 24, 2009 from 4:00 to 4:30 (PDT)
* Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Areas]
- East Ronfaure [S]
- Jugner Forest [S]
- Vunkerl Inlet [S]
- Batallia Downs [S]
- North Gustaberg [S]
- Grauberg [S]
- Pashhow Marshlands [S]
- Rolanberry Fields [S]
- West Sarutabaruta [S]
- Fort Karugo-Narugo [S]
- Meriphataud Mountains [S]
- Sauromugue Champaign [S]
- Beaucedine Glacier [S]
- Xarcabard [S]