Jan. 10, 2013 18:45 [PST] From: PlayOnline
Warning Regarding PlayOnline ID and Password Fraud

It has come to our attention that certain individuals are attempting to direct players to a fake log-in page for the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community beta version in an attempt to steal (also known as “phishing”) their PlayOnline ID and password.

These scammers have been confirmed to send URLs via email with a message stating that a user agreement violation or billing issue has been confirmed.

If you have accidentally entered your PlayOnline ID and password into the fake website or simply clicked on the URL, you should run your anti-malware or anti-virus software and change your password immediately.

Also, we strongly recommend players to use a Square Enix Security Token which will vastly improve account security.

About the Square Enix Security Token

Keep your personal information safe! Keep your PlayOnline ID, Square Enix ID, and passwords secure!