Jul. 11, 2013 06:30 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI
FINAL FANTASY XI Version Update (Jul. 11)

At the following time, a version update was performed on FINAL FANTASY XI.

* Clients will update automatically upon launch after release of the patch.

[Date & Time]
Jul. 11, 2013 at 6:15 (PDT)

[Affected Service]

[Update Details]
- As a countermeasure to the blackout issue occurring in certain zones, we have expanded the area where the maximum number of displayable characters is limited to 35. Below is the current list of areas affected by this restriction.

Western Adoulin / Eastern Adoulin / Rala Waterways / Rala Waterways [U] / Yahse Hunting Grounds / Ceizak Battlegrounds / Foret de Hennetiel / Yorcia Weald / Morimar Basalt Fields / Marjami Ravine / Sih Gates / Moh Gates / Cirdas Caverns / Cirdas Caverns [U] / Doh Gates