Dec. 26, 2019 01:11 [PST] From: PlayOnline
Termination of Certain PlayOnline Services: Follow-up

As previously notified, the following PlayOnline services have ended as of Thursday, December 26, 2019.

* PlayOnline Mail Address Access
* Sending and receiving of emails using PlayOnline Mail services
* Distribution and support for the PlayOnline Friend List Application
* Community Site links

We thank you for your patronage of these services over the years.

Please note that even after these services have ended, the PlayOnline ID Options found in the PlayOnline/FINAL FANTASY XI Service Account options will continue to display the option to change your PlayOnline Email Address and password, but use of these options are no longer effective and changes will not be reflected to your PlayOnline Mail.

We hope you continue to enjoy PlayOnline and FINAL FANTASY XI.