Server Maintenance

Feb. 15, 2006 03:00 [PST]

Auction Restrictions on Certain Items: Follow-Up

The stack number for several items will increase from 12 to 99, and these items will be restricted on the auction house for Feb. 20 maintenance preparation.

In addition to the items that have been announced in the earlier news article, stack number for the following items will increase from 12 to 99.

Bird Fletchings
Insect Fltchg.
Blk. Chc. Fltchg.
G. Bird Fltchg.

We thank you for your understanding.

All Affected Items:
Beetle Arrowhd.
Poison Arrowhd.
Arm. Arrowhd.
Bone Arrowhd.
Ice Arrowheads
Holy Bolt Heads
Horn Arrowheads
Sleep Arrowhd.
Gold Arrowhead
Iron Arrowheads
Ltng. Arrowhd.
Vnm. Bolt Heads
Scp. Arrowhd.
Kari. Arrowhd.
Pltm. Arrowhead
Slv. Arrowheads
Bln. Bolt Heads
Bld. Bolt Heads
Demon Arrowhd.
Fang Arrowhd.
Stone Arrowhd.
Fire Arrowheads
Acid Bolt Heads
Slp. Bolt Heads
Brz. Bolt Heads
Dst. Bolt Heads
Yagudo Fltchg.
Mtl. Bolt Heads
Chocobo Fltchg.
Bird Fletchings
Insect Fltchg.
Blk. Chc. Fltchg.
G. Bird Fltchg.

* All other items will be unaffected.

* Please refer to the "All Worlds Maintenance (Feb. 20)" article for the details regarding the Feb. 20 maintenance.
