The following campaigns will commence on Monday, December 13, at 12:00 a.m. (PST)
Campaign Period
Monday, December 13, at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Tuesday, January 4, at 6:59 a.m.
Chain Experience Bonus Campaign - PLUS!
Experience chains will yield double to triple the normal amount of experience for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, the maximum benefit of Dedication from items will be doubled.
Chain Capacity Point Bonus Campaign - PLUS!
Experience chains will yield double to triple the normal amount of capacity points for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, the maximum benefit of Commitment from items will be doubled.
Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign - PLUS!
Experience chains will yield double to triple the normal amount of experience for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, the maximum benefit of Dedication from items will be doubled.
Delve Campaign – PLUS!
Delve will receive the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign.
Defeating Delve monsters and clearing Delve will yield double the usual amount of Mweya Plasm.
Monsters will drop Airlixirs +1 and Airlixirs +2 when vanquished.
Surge Walk Campaign
All Walk of Echoes content will become surge walks for the duration of the campaign. Use this opportunity to get valuable items as well as triple experience and capacity points!
* Walks that are normal when the campaign begins will be converted to surge walks upon entry.
Alter Ego Expo
Alter egos will receive the following improvements for the duration of the campaign.
- Alter egos' Maximum HP and MP will be increased by 50%.
- Alter egos will have stronger resistance to status ailments.
Voidwatch Campaign
All lights will start at their maximum alignment values for the duration of the campaign.
Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, Geas Fete equipment from Reisenjima can be engraved with arcane glyptics up to six times at no additional charge, with the equipment receiving the same benefits as if they were engraved with dark matter.
* Visit Oseem in Norg (I-7) to engrave your equipment.
This restriction is lifted at 7:00 a.m. (PST) each day and you will be able to engrave your equipment up to six times again.
Abjuration Dial Campaign
For the duration of the campaign, players will receive a #Ab dial key each day upon logging in. This can be traded to the NPC at the Gobbie Mystery Box to spin the abjuration dial.
* No dally tally will be expended upon spinning the special dial.
* Only characters for whom at least 45 days have passed since character creation are eligible to use the Gobbie Mystery Box.
Combat and Magic Skill Increase Campaign
Combat skills will be more likely to increase while in combat for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, magic skills will be more likely to increase when casting spells.