
Considering how popular this content is, we've decided to share statistics regarding Voidwatch mission progression and the numbers of atmacite upgraded to levels two through fifteen.

Let's first look at a breakdown of the percentages for main route mission progression. While approximately twenty percent of adventurers have completed the main storyline, around forty percent have yet to even finish the first chapter. Although this data includes characters that have yet to reach level 99, users who have recently started playing this content often discover they cannot form a party large enough to defeat enemies, due to the fact that players must complete all three jurisdictions (San d'Oria, Windurst, and Bastok) in the first chapter to finish it.

An item has been introduced during the June 2012 patch that should alleviate this issue by weakening Voidwalkers, so the number of players progressing to later stages of this content is likely to jump before the next census.

≪Voidwatch Main Story Completion Percentages≫

Chapter One (Incomplete)
Guardian of the Void
Chapter 2: Drafted by the Duchy
Battle on a New Front
Chapter 3: Re-drafted by the Duchy
A New Menace
No Rest for the Weary
Final Chapter: Crystal Guardian

Atmacite is a vitally important aspect of Voidwatch operations, and almost all players infuse atmacite before heading into battle. Seeing as this substance is such a fundamental part of Voidwatch, we created this graph depicting the amount of each type and level of atmacite in Vana'diel.

The graph below suggests that adventurers tend to only upgrade atmacite that complements their fighting style, rather than leveling every single type. Furthermore, the vast majority of players seem to enhance those pieces of atmacite to level 15, suggesting they desire the maximum benefit for as little cruor as possible.

Take a look for yourself and see how your play style compares to that of the adventurers who use the most popular atmacite.

≪Atmacite Distribution (Level 2-15)≫

Atmacites of Devotion
Atmacites of Persistence
Atmacites of Eminence
Atmacites of Onslaught
Atmacites of Incursion
Atmacites of Enticement
Atmacites of Destruction
Atmacites of Temperance
Atmacites of Discipline
Atmacites of Coercion
Atmacites of Finesse
Atmacites of Latitude
Atmacites of Mysticism
Atmacites of Rapidity
Atmacites of Preparedness
Atmacites of Deluges
Atmacites of Unity
Atmacites of Exhortation
Atmacites of Skyblaze
Atmacites of the Slayer
Atmacites of the Adamant
Atmacites of the Valiant
Atmacites of the Shrewd
Atmacites of the Vanguard
Atmacites of Assailment
Atmacites of Cataphract
Atmacites of the Parapet
Atmacites of Imperium
Atmacites of the Solipsist
Atmacites of Provenance
Atmacites of Dark Designs
Atmacites of the Forager
Atmacites of Glaciers
Atmacites of Affinity
Atmacites of the Depths
Atmacites of the Assassin
Atmacites of Aplomb
Atmacites of the Tropics
Atmacites of Curses
Atmacites of Preservation

Level2 Level3 Level4 Level5 Level6
Level7 Level8 Level9 Level10 Level11
Level12 Level13 Level14 Level15