A Little Goblin's Adventure

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"What a view... If only Verena were here to share it with me."
"I can see it now... I'd laugh when she pointed out a cloud that looked like a carrion worm. She'd smile as I offered her a bite of my Goblin gruel... ...But nooo, I'm stuck with an asexual blue crab."

Thickshell: "I'm not asexual. I'm a guy, like you!"
Like me?
Thickshell: "And I don't know what you're getting all excited about. Verena's, well...well... She's different!"
"And why should I care?"
Thickshell: "Because you're a Goblin! There's no future for you two!"
Sounds like my buddy Thickshell is jealous...

So this is Kazham... Will somebody tell me why this place smells like a litter box?

Ah, and this is the Yuhtunga Jungle. Pretty nice place. Could use a few trail markers, though.
Thickshell: "Wh-wh-what if we get lost!?"
"Lost? I don't know about you, but I'll be dining on boiled crab until the rescue team gets to me."
Thickshell: "Very funny, Fabmeister. You kn-"

"Shhh! Look over there!"
Thickshell: "It looks like some sort of domestic dispute..."

???: "Opo-opo, opo-opo... You sounding like broken records, pakyah!"
???: "Opoh... Opoh..."
???: "Hellooo? Speak Vana'dielian. Va-na-die-li-annn. Comprende?"
???: "Opo-opopoh!"
???: "Pa!!! That's the last time I lending gil to a monkey! Hey, what are you two looking at, pakyah?"


"Hey, sprout. I'm Fablinix, and this is my pet..."
Thickshell: "His buddy..."
"...My acquaintance, Thickshell. We're trotting the globe, in search of fame and adventure."
Mandragora: "Traveling monsters? That's rich. Why going to the troubles? No matter where you going, there you being, you know? That's why I just sitting back here and relaxing in the jungles. You're looking at the king of Yuhtunga, pakyah!"
"King of the Jungle? Yeah, and I'm the Prince of Norg."
Mandragora: "You being the prince of Nor... Wait a minute, there being no princes in Norg!"
"You got me there, sprout. Well, we'll be on our way now."

Mandragora: "Hey, you guys aren't thinking of walking through the jungles alone now, are you? There being things in here that will be eating you alive! I happen to be on my way to the Temple of Uggalipeh. I could be showing you the way...if you making it worth my whiles."
"Why don't you just show us the way and I won't show you the back of my hand, sprout." Mandragora: "Uh...well...I'm glad you guys coming to your senses. Oh, and I'm not a sprout, I'm a Mandragora, pakyah!"
Yeah, whatever, sprout.

Will somebody tell me why can't I find any normal friends...?

To be continued...and continued...and continued...