From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
New Version Update in the Works (02/28/2012)
We're pleased to announce that the next FINAL FANTASY XI version update is on track for a late March release!
This update will see the introduction of Legion, a new battle system that will pit alliances of high-level adventurers against relentless hordes of truly formidable foes. Players can also square off against Voidwalkers in far-reaching locales as the Voidwatch saga draws to a climactic conclusion. With a host of job adjustments and revisions to existing content also in the works, this update promises to offer something for everyone.
For a more in-depth description of the new and modified content, visit the Updates section of the forums.
FINAL FANTASY XI Valentione's Day Screenshot Contest Winners Announced! (02/27/2012)
The Community Team has carefully selected the winners of the FINAL FANTASY XI Valentione's Day Screenshot Contest! Congratulations to everyone and a big thank you for all of your love-filled submissions!
Visit the official forum to view the winning entries and also check out all of the fantastic entries that were submitted!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Walk of Echoes Adjustments (02/24/2012)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1096] Walk of Echoes Adjustments
Proceed to the thread.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Update (02/24/2012)
Today, various adjustments and updates have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server.
We encourage players to give all the in-development content a thorough testing, and look forward to receiving your feedback!
Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Limit Break Quest Adjustments (02/23/2012)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1095] Limit Break Quest Adjustments
Proceed to the thread.
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Job Adjustments: Cure Spells / Enfeebling Magic Resistance / Save TP (02/22/2012)
The following threads have been updated with new information:
[dev1094] Cure Spell Adjustments
[dev1093] Enfeebling Magic Resistance of Monsters
[dev1092] Save TP Adjustment
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Voidwatch Forges Onward! (02/21/2012)
The following threads have been updated with new information:
[dev1051] Voidwatch: Tavnazia Jurisdiction
[dev1054] Voidwatch: Aht Urhgan Jurisdiction
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Job Adjustments (02/16/2012)
The following new threads have been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1091] Job Adjustments: Summoner
[dev1090] Job Adjustments: Dragoon
[dev1089] Job Adjustments: Samurai
[dev1088] Job Adjustments: Beastmaster
[dev1087] Job Adjustments: White Mage
The following thread has been updated with new information:
[dev1081] Job Adjustments: Bard
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
The February Version Update Has Arrived! (02/13/2012)
With the advent of this new update, level 99 adventurers can now test their mettle in the dark recesses of the Nyzul Isle Uncharted Regions!
Not only that, but those who venture back into the Walk of Echoes and Voidwatch jurisdictions will notice a host of changes abrew. New Magian trials to upgrade your treasured Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean weapons to level 99 are also available to undertake.
View the release notes for all the gritty details of the new content!
Bickering Beauties (02/10/2012)
The Doll Festival draws near once again, and the MHMU has made certain that when it comes to this fancy festival favored by gleeful girls the realm over, no expense will be spared, kupo!
After all, what connoisseur of culture wouldn't jump at the chance to dramatically ascend a doll dais, skylark before a scenic screen, or bask in the becalming beams of a bonbori lantern's light with her companions?
This year in Windurst, however, virulence and vainglory threaten to violate the very principles upon which this festival was founded. Read on for a candid chronicle of confrontation between some bold and boisterous beauties, kupo!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Update (02/08/2012)
Today, various adjustments and updates have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server.
We encourage players to give all the in-development content a thorough testing, and look forward to receiving your feedback!
Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
New Version Update Forthcoming! (02/07/2012)
We're pleased to announce that the next FINAL FANTASY XI version update is on track for a Tuesday, February 14th release!
It won't be long before you can delve deep into the Nyzul Isle Uncharted Regions—an expansion of the existing Assault mission offering challenges and rewards befitting level 99 characters—and undertake new Magian trials to upgrade your treasured Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean weapons to new heights of power. Adjustments for dragoons, corsairs, and other jobs, revisions to Voidwatch and the Walk of Echoes, and a host of other content previewed on the test server will also see its long-awaited official release.
Additional details will be posted to the Updates section of the official forums as they become available, so stay tuned!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Job Adjustments (02/03/2012)
The following job adjustments have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server:
[dev1080] Job Adjustments: Thief
[dev1081] Job Adjustments: Bard
[dev1082] Job Adjustments: Ranger
[dev1083] Job Adjustments: Puppetmaster
[dev1084] Job Adjustments: Warrior Part II
[dev1085] Job Adjustments: Paladin Part II
[dev1086] Job Adjustments: Dark Knight Part II
For details, please review the forum threads above. We look forward to receiving your feedback!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server Update (02/03/2012)
Today, various adjustments and updates have been implemented on the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server.
We encourage players to give all the in-development content a thorough testing, and look forward to receiving your feedback!
Proceed on to peruse the test details.
Read on to find out how you can access the FINAL FANTASY XI Test Server!
From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Job Adjustments: Paladin, Dark Knight, Samurai, Dragoon (02/03/2012)
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1079] Job Adjustments: Samurai
The following threads in the Updates section of the official forums have been updated with new information:
[dev1070] Job Adjustments: Dragoon
[dev1071] Job Adjustments: Paladin
[dev1072] Job Adjustments: Dark Knight